DeKalb to distribute 10,000 COVID-19 care kits with masks, sanitizer Credit: HYOSUB SHIN / AJCLOCAL NEWS| 9 hours agoBy Tyler Estep, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution DeKalb County will distribute 10,000 COVID-19 “care kits” this week, giving masks and hand sanitizer to residents in areas hit hard by the pandemic. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention haveContinue reading

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Ever since Associated Press sent me two letters claiming that pictures on my website belonged to them, and told me to pay $1,100.00 for infringing on the photo rights, I have been depressed. See below. Dominion Servers in Germany seized to get Data of Vote Switches from Trump to Biden – US MIlitary with Germany’sContinue reading “VOTING SCANDAL OF THE WORLD!”

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