Dr. Fauci as the US Dr. Joseph Mengele the Auschwitz Angel of Death

Dr. Fauci as the US Dr. Joseph Mengele the Auschwitz Angel of Death

Monday, 5 April 2021, 23:05 PM 2025

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on April 5, 2021


Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899

Dr. Anthony Fauci has teamed up with the colleague of Geoffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, to practice on the American population an inadequately tested genetic vaccine based on two months of tests when it should have been five to ten years and practice their nostrums on an unsuspecting American population. No genetic vaccine has passed the mandatory five year tests and as such such tests should be conducted over ten years based on past experience. It is very possible that a good part of the American population has been poisoned perhaps fatally by the vaccines. According to the determinations at Nuremberg on National Socialist testing of Auschwitz patients, their rights were violated as they did not give their consent to the medical experiments. Their determination was that each patient, who is part of the medical experiment, and the genetic vaccines are an experiment, must sign a waiver that they understand that they may die or be irreparably harmed by the vaccine and that they accept that risk. Under no circumstances can a minor be given the test. The present coercion in the US to take the test or lose your job, the ability to travel, or shop, constitutes a form of illegal pressure on the entire population.

The articles below are a good summary of the medical failure of the western nations to follow sound logic in coping with the so-called coronavirus though calling a virus by a name when it has never been isolated is another non sequitur. These articles are contained in footnotes one and three. Footnote three raises the theory that the coronavirus was caused by 5G and not a virus or germ rebutting the germ theory. Footnote two goes over the Biden infrastructure plan for 2.5 trillion dollars infrastucture plan that really hardly addresses the infrastructure but more toward buying votes. The isolation of entire healthy parts of the population against disease as never been practice in over 5,000 years of recorded history but rather those diseased were isolated, and the author of this piece describes that as follows:

The principle of the containment of healthy populations was decreed by the United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, in 2004. It was not a question of fighting against a disease, but of causing mass unemployment to militarize Western societies. [ 1 ]. It was distributed in Europe by Doctor Richard Hatchett, then Pentagon Health Advisor and now President of CEPI. It is he who, about the Covid-19, coined the expression “We are at war! », Echoed by President Macron.

Western politicians have chosen not to treat Covid-19 and to bet all of their budgets on vaccines. This decision goes against the Hippocratic Oath to which every Western physician has pledged. Of course, many Western doctors continue their activity, but by being as discreet as possible, failing which they are threatened with ordinal and administrative sanctions.

Several drug treatments are however administered successfully in non-Western countries.

From the start of 2020 – that is to say before the epidemic hit the West – Cuba showed that some patients could be treated and cured with small doses of recombinant Interferon Alfa 2B ( IFNrec). China built a factory in February 2021 to produce this Cuban drug on a large scale and has been using it for certain types of patients ever since [ 5 ].

China has also used an anti-malaria drug, chloroquine phosphate. It is from this experience that Professor Didider Raoult used hydroxychloroquine of which he is one of the best world connoisseurs. This drug is used with success in many countries with no offense to the grotesque fake news of the Lancet and the mainstream media that this common drug, administered to billions of patients, is a deadly poison.

The states which have made the opposite choice of the Westerners, that is to say those which have privileged the care rather than the vaccines, collectively developed a cocktail of cheap drugs (including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) which massively treats the Covid (see box). The results are so spectacular that Westerners question the figures published by these states, foremost among them China.

Extract from a confidential Swiss document. The drugs mentioned may be sold under different brand names in different countries.

Finally, Venezuela has started the massive distribution of Carvativir, a drug derived from thyme, which is also giving spectacular results. Google and Facebook (and for a while Twitter) censor any information about it as zealously as the Lancet tried to discredit hydroxychloroquine.

Covid-19: failure of the western approach

by Thierry Meyssan

The Covid-19 epidemic affects the whole world, however its mortality varies from 0.0003% in China to 0.016% in the United States, that is to say more than 50 times more. This difference can be explained by genetic peculiarities, but above all by differences in medical approach. It attests that the West is no longer the center of Reason and Science.


A year ago already, the Covid-19 epidemic arrived in the West, via Italy. Today we know a little more about this virus, however, despite knowledge, Westerners persist in misunderstanding it.

1- What is a virus?

Science is by definition universal: it observes and constructs hypotheses to explain phenomena. However, it is expressed in different languages and cultures which are sources of misunderstandings when we do not know their specificities.

Thus, viruses are living beings according to the European definition of life, but simple mechanisms according to the Anglo-Saxon definition of life. This cultural difference induces behaviors in each of us. For the Anglo-Saxons, it is advisable to destroy the viruses, while for the Europeans it was – until last year – to adapt to them.

I am not saying that some are superior or inferior to others, nor that they are incapable of acting in a way different from that induced by their culture. I’m just saying that everyone sees the world in their own way. We must make an effort to understand others and we are only truly capable of this if we are open to it.

Of course, the West is a more or less homogeneous political whole, but it is made up of at least two very different cultures. Even as the media keep playing down these differences, we must always be aware of them.

If you think viruses are living things, you have to compare them to parasites. They seek to live to the detriment of their host and especially not to kill him, because they would die of it themselves. They try to adapt to the host species by varying it until they find a way to inhabit it without killing it. The variants of Covid-19 are therefore not the “riders of the Apocalypse”, but very good news in line with the evolution of species.

The principle of the containment of healthy populations was decreed by the United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, in 2004. It was not a question of fighting against a disease, but of causing mass unemployment to militarize Western societies. [ 1 ]. It was distributed in Europe by Doctor Richard Hatchett, then Pentagon Health Advisor and now President of CEPI. It is he who, about the Covid-19, coined the expression “We are at war! », Echoed by President Macron.

Likewise, if one thinks that viruses are living things, one cannot give credit to the epidemic models developed by Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London and his followers, such as Simon Cauchemez of the Scientific Council of London. ‘Elysium. By definition, the growth of no living being is exponential. Each species regulates itself according to its environment. To trace the curve of the start of an epidemic and then to extrapolate it is intellectual absurdity. Professor Fergusson has spent his life predicting disasters that never happened [ 2 ].

2- What to do when faced with an epidemic?

All epidemics have historically been successfully fought by a mixture of measures isolating the sick and increasing hygiene.

When it comes to a viral epidemic, hygiene is not used to fight the virus, but the bacterial diseases that develop in patients with the virus. For example, the Spanish flu, which raged in the years 1918-20, is a viral disease. It was in fact a benign virus, but in the context of the First World War, the very poor hygienic conditions allowed the development of opportunistic bacterial diseases which killed en masse.

From a medical point of view, isolation applies only to the sick and to them alone. Never in history has a healthy population been confined to fight a disease. You won’t find any medical literature over a year old anywhere in the world that contemplates such a measure.

The current confinements are neither medical nor political measures, but administrative. They do not aim to reduce the number of patients, but to spread their contamination over time, so as not to congest certain hospital services. This is to compensate for the mismanagement of health institutions. Most viral outbreaks last three years. In the case of Covid-19, the natural duration of the epidemic will be extended by the administrative duration of confinements.

The confinements practiced in China had no more medical reason. They were interventions of the central Power against the errors of local Powers, in the context of the Chinese theory of the “mandate of Heaven” [ 3 ].

The use, by a healthy population, of surgical masks to fight against a respiratory virus has never been effective. Indeed, until Covid-19, none of the known respiratory viruses is transmitted by postilions, but by aerosol. Only gas masks are effective. It is of course possible that Covid-19 is the first germ of a new kind, but this rational hypothesis is highly unreasonable [ 4 ]. It had been considered for Covid-2 (the “Sars”), but has already been abandoned.

It is important to clarify that the Covid-2 did not just affect Asia in 2003-04, but also the West. It was an epidemic like the Covid-19 in 2020-21. She is now being treated with interferon-alpha and protease inhibitors. No vaccine exists.

3- Can we treat a disease that we do not know?

Even without knowing a virus, we can and always should treat the symptoms it causes. It is not only a way to relieve the sick, but also a condition for getting to know this disease.

Western politicians have chosen not to treat Covid-19 and to bet all of their budgets on vaccines. This decision goes against the Hippocratic Oath to which every Western physician has pledged. Of course, many Western doctors continue their activity, but by being as discreet as possible, failing which they are threatened with ordinal and administrative sanctions.

Several drug treatments are however administered successfully in non-Western countries.

From the start of 2020 – that is to say before the epidemic hit the West – Cuba showed that some patients could be treated and cured with small doses of recombinant Interferon Alfa 2B ( IFNrec). China built a factory in February 2021 to produce this Cuban drug on a large scale and has been using it for certain types of patients ever since [ 5 ].

China has also used an anti-malaria drug, chloroquine phosphate. It is from this experience that Professor Didider Raoult used hydroxychloroquine of which he is one of the best world connoisseurs. This drug is used with success in many countries with no offense to the grotesque fake news of the Lancet and the mainstream media that this common drug, administered to billions of patients, is a deadly poison.

The states which have made the opposite choice of the Westerners, that is to say those which have privileged the care rather than the vaccines, collectively developed a cocktail of cheap drugs (including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) which massively treats the Covid (see box). The results are so spectacular that Westerners question the figures published by these states, foremost among them China.

Finally, Venezuela has started the massive distribution of Carvativir, a drug derived from thyme, which is also giving spectacular results. Google and Facebook (and for a while Twitter) censor any information about it as zealously as the Lancet tried to discredit hydroxychloroquine.

4- How will this epidemic end?

In countries that use the medical responses outlined above, Covid-19 is still present, but the epidemic is already over. Vaccines are only offered to people at high risk.

In the West, where we refuse to treat the sick, the only solution seems to vaccinate the entire population. Powerful pharmaceutical lobbies are pushing for the mass use of expensive vaccines rather than cheap drugs for a thousand times fewer patients. We then witness a murderous rivalry between the States to seize the available doses to the detriment of their allies.

For four hundred years, the West was in pursuit of Reason. He had become the herald of Science. Today, it is no longer reasonable. It retains great scientists, such as Professor Didier Raoult, and a technical advance, as the messenger RNA vaccines attest, but no longer has the rigor to reason scientifically. It is also necessary to distinguish the regions of the West: the Anglo-Saxon countries (United Kingdom and United States) have been able to manufacture messenger RNA vaccines, not the European Union, which has lost its inventiveness.

The center of the world has shifted.

Footnote one:

President Joe Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion spending package unveiled March 31 should have come a day later, as an April Fool’s exercise.

Labeled an infrastructure package, it offers just $447 billion for transportation infrastructure over eight years. That’s less than a quarter of the most widely accepted estimates for the US infrastructure deficit.

On February 21, Biden told a group of US senators, “If we don’t get moving, [the Chinese] are going to eat our lunch. They’re investing billions of dollars dealing with a whole range of issues that relate to transportation, the environment and a whole range of other things. We just have to step up.”

Biden might as well instruct Secretary of State Blinken to ask the Chinese if they want fries with that.

Most of the $2.3 trillion will buy votes rather than infrastructure, including $400 billion for “elder and disability care,” $213 billion for “green and affordable homes,” $174 billion for electric vehicles, $137 billion for “school and childcare infrastructure,” $100 billion for “job training” and so forth.

It’s a smorgasbord for Democratic Party urban constituencies that leaves $180 billion for “R&D in tech of the future” and $300 billion in manufacturing subsidies as an afterthought.

Sheri Tindle (Left) and Chris DeRoller hold signs outside of Senator Roy Blunt’s office as they gives support for US President Joe Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan on March 31, 2021 in Kansas City, Missouri. Photo: AFP / Ed Zurga / Getty Images for Green New Deal Network

Most incongruous of all is the accompanying corporate tax hike, to a 28% base rate from the present 21%. Corporations fund most of the R&D that turns into new products. That will suck $695 billion out of corporations, according to the Biden calculus, or three-and-a-half times as much as the $180 billion in additional proposed R&D spending.

And that $180 billion will go mainly to universities, with an emphasis on climate research and other fluff. That’s $180 billion over eight years, or an average of $22.5 billion a year in new money. China’s National People’s Congress last year mandated $560 billion per year of funding for new technologies.

The cost of hiring R&D staff in China is a third to half the comparable cost in the US, so China’s tech spend is closer to $1 trillion a year in terms of purchasing power parity.

Under the Carter and Reagan Administrations, federal R&D spending reached about 1.4% of GDP, or the equivalent of $300 billion a year in 2021 dollars. Today the US spends just 0.6% of GDP, or about $130 billion, on federal R&D.To restore federal R&D to the level that prevailed when the United States created the digital economy, it would have to spend each year the $180 billion that Biden proposes to ladle out over eight years.

And the proposed corporate tax increase will wipe out much more R&D funding than the Biden plan would provide. The best way to encourage investment in high-tech innovation, argues Robert Atkinson of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, is to cut taxes for corporations that make such investments.

“The tax code,” Atkinson wrote last year, “should be focused on company demand for capital. It should reduce the effective tax rate for companies, including large corporations, when they invest in research and development, capital equipment and workforce training.

”In other words, the tax code should incent American companies to support the three main building blocks of productivity growth, innovation and competitiveness.”

A security guard stands under a pedestrian bridge near a construction site in Beijing on March 29, 2021. Photo : AFP / Greg Baker

The 2017 Trump tax cut for corporations, observes Atkinson, cut the base tax rate, but reduced tax breaks for R&D and capital expenditures. The result was a decline in capital spending. In 2019, US corporations spent more money buying back their own shares than they spent on capital equipment.

Whatever the defects in the Trump legislation, Biden’s proposed corporate tax increase will make things worse. US corporations will be left with a higher base rate, without the incentives for R&D and capital spending that the Trump legislation removed.

Biden’s proposed infrastructure budget is small compared with America’s requirements, and it will be cut down even further by waste and corruption.

American infrastructure is more expensive than in any other country in the world, largely because entrenched political interest and construction trade unions crowd the public trough.

New York’s Second Avenue Subway extension cost $6 billion, or $2 billion a mile, the most expensive urban mass transit ever built. The average cost of underground subway lines outside the US is $350 million a mile, or a sixth of New York’s cost.

Boston’s “Big Dig” project, originally budgeted in 1998 for $7.2 billion in today’s inflation-adjusted equivalents, will cost $22 billion.

Without comprehensive regulatory reform, Biden’s $447 in transportation infrastructure spending will make barely a dent in America’s requirements. China meanwhile builds 10,000 kilometers of new highways and 4,000 kilometers of new rail lines a year.

Footnote two:


Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899

In our previous pieces we pointed out that treating cancer as a kind of germ had the effect of deluding scientists and doctors from the fact that the polluted environment itself and the food chain were creating the cancers and not an evil spirt now in modern lingo transmuted into a germ or virus as the alchemists tried to transmute base metal into gold. Dr. Max Gerson said cancer was not caused by a germ to be destroyed by chemotherapy or radiation which in themselves cause cancer or surgery, but by the consumption of inorganic ingredients in the food supply chain from artificial fertilizer to other inorganic additives throughout the food chain.  In China for four thousand years they carried the night soil from the cities to the farms to naturally fertilize the soil and it worked like a charm. It also was a sanitary way of disposing of human waste unlike throwing the night soil into rivers making them into unhealthy cesspools so that the 19th century Parliament along the Thames if the wind was blowing towards it from the river was full of its stench. People had to get sick from this unhealthy miasma.  

Most readers are not aware of what they called the Miasma Theory of medicine that diseases such as cholera, chlamydia or the Black Death were caused by “bad air” which is quite interesting.  If we were to review the sanitation of the streets of Florence during the Black Death, they were full of defecation as we find today in Los Angeles, and here even our medical authorities are worried that the low sanitary conditions may create the Black Death. Even New York City streets during the period of horse transportation were full of defecation which was a major source of disease until the hygiene movement forced the daily removal from the streets of horse droppings.

See the Bible at Deuteronomy 23:13 which covers this as a law against allowing such pollution.

Now if England had been as smart as the Chinese, they would not have listened to Justin von Liebig who concocted the idea to replace the depleted nutrients in the now tired soil with artificial fertilizers who is consequently responsible for the astronomical rise of cancer in the world.  

It was the sanitation movement that ended all the diseases such as diphtheria, small pox, measles and not vaccinations where the disease is given to the patient so he can create antibodies against it. Here is the logic. You give the person the disease so that he will not get the disease. That is really no logic at all. Yet the hygiene movement did not deter the Justin von Liebig’s spoliation of the food supply.

Now since we know that radiation causes cancer, then it cannot be said that the cancer from radiation is caused by a germ or virus but a reaction to this external attack on our body by living near a nuclear reactor. Here the absurdity is to radiate the cancer patient by the very radiation that caused the cancer itself.

An unexpected rise in strontium-90 in US deciduous teeth in the 1990s – PubMed

Dr. Albert Schweitzer went in 1913 to Africa to found a hospital and for seventeen years not one cancer patient came into their hospital as Africa was not plagued with cancer but when the western processed foods came in the cancer rate rose to European levels. Thus, the cause of cancer was the carcinogenic diet and not a germ to be killed. Dr. Max Gerson in collaboration with Dr. Schweitzer developed a new diet for the cancer patient that was totally organic and dissolved the cancer in the bodily system. He called it the “Gerson Therapy”. The good doctor called cancer a form of defence mechanism for the body which was positive and would dissolve as soon as the body was no longer exposed to carcinogenic foods.

Here we come to what they call the coronavirus today which “germ” has never been isolated so the vaccination has been developed for a disease that has not been proven to exist. We have presented evidence of this before and can again for any reader. This does not mean people have not become sick. What it means is that they do not know what is causing the disease in the first place and it is charged that this disease is being used for a political reset. What appears to have happened if the statistics are accurate is that the vaccine appears to merely a symptom suppressant on what will surely be a temporary basis. This is the case with most modern, inorganic medicines. It does not cure a disease but suppresses them appearing to be a cure. A friend of mine developed leukemia of the blood and I asked him what inorganic medicines he was taking and he said a blood thinner for twenty years. I told him that is where your cancer came from and his doctor immediately took him off the blood thinner. He later died from the chemotherapy cure against my recommendation.  

However, in the case of this genetic vaccine, all previous tests ended in failure on a five year basis and was proved to be highly dangerous. This new genetic vaccine has not been completely tested as the longest test was about two months so it is purely experimental. That nation states are attempting to coerce their entire populations to be vaccinated on an experimental test violates the basic laws that were established at Nuremberg against the actions of Dr. Josef Mengele who was called the angel of death for killing so many patients in experiments that they were coerced or forced to participate in as is happening now.  

Now there are experts who are linking the rollout of 5G, where Wuhan was the first major city in the world to roll out 5G in a total and complete manner, and suggesting that there is here the linkage of 5G to the coronavirus as we saw above with nuclear power radiation and cancer. The following article suggests a most interesting logical progression from the Spanish flu linkage to electricity to the linkage of the coronavirus to 5G.


Posted on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 

In his landmark book on electricity and life, “The Invisible Rainbow,” Arthur Firstenberg, traces an eerie connection between the advent of four new technologies and major influenza epidemics in 1889, 1918, 1958 and 1968.

Spanish Flu 1918

The most notable connection is the famous Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918, which killed more than 20 million people worldwide. This epidemic actually started on military bases in the US at about the same time the US military was rolling out a new form of wireless communications. Between 1917 and 1918, the US military built the world’s largest radio network. Meanwhile, the flu accelerated across military bases both stateside and overseas, and on ships equipped with the powerful wireless transmitters. As the troops and wireless equipment arrived in the European theatre during WWI, a sudden explosion of disease raced unabetted across Europe.

Wireless Impacts to the Earth’s Natural Electrical Field

As this influenza seemed to move too fast for historic disease models, dozens of scientists began to question the idea of a contagious virus. Testing was inconclusive as to whether the Spanish flu virus (H1N1) was actually being spread by germs, or something else. Firstenberg and others put forth the theory that wireless and other electrical fields may change the electrical nature of the earth’s atmosphere. The electrical core of the earth generates the earth’s electromagnetic field, which sends electromagnetic waves outward to the ionosphere, where they bounce back to earth and circumnavigate the globe. In its natural state, the earth emanates a 500 milligauss magnetic field at about 7.83 cycles per second. Yet, dramatic electrical changes to the earth’s atmosphere could disrupt the evolutionary balance of the electrical nature of the planet.

Could such an electrical shock to earth’s natural electrical field trigger dormant viruses in people and animals? After all, we are all electrical creatures. When we are healthy, 50 trillion cells in our bodies operate at around 70 millivolts. Could the new US military wireless signals, which had suddenly sprung up across the globe, have activated unnatural electrical activity in the already highly, electrically-charged ionosphere? And what effects could this have on our own body chemistry, which depends on a delicate electrical balance?

1889 Flu Epidemic

Firstenberg also connects the flu epidemic of 1889 with a new electrical innovation. This time it was the rapid expansion of the electrified railroad in the US. Until 1888, there were only 45 miles of electrified railroad in the US. Yet, in a single year, this network grew to over 1000 miles. These very low frequency waves can travel thousands of miles, bouncing off the ionosphere and virtually traveling around the world at the speed of light. That same year a vicious flu erupted virtually simultaneously in such far-flung places as Greenland, Uzbekistan and Northern Alberta. It then quickly appeared in even more disparate locations, such as Philadelphia, Australia and the Balkans. In the days of pre-air travel, it seemed impossible that a contagious disease could travel this fast to so many seemingly-unrelated geographies.

Flu becomes an Annual Phenomenon

By the end of 1889, the death toll had reached over one million worldwide. Even more telling is that until then, influenza outbreaks had been a relatively rare occurrence. It had been nearly 30 years since the previous influenza outbreak in England. Firstenberg suggests that 1889 marked the beginning of influenza being an annual phenomenon for humans.

Missile Defense Systems and the Asian Flu of 1958

We now flash forward to 1958. In the heart of the Cold War, the US had just completed the build-out of the most powerful and extensive missile defense system the world had ever seen. Hundreds of high power radar stations which generated 1350 megahertz signals and included Doppler stations, operating at more than one kilowatt, were suddenly filling the heavens with unnatural levels of microwave radiation. The problem is that all these microwave signals bounce off the ionosphere and then come back to earth. The earth’s electrical envelope acts like a resonating chamber that traps all this electrical activity and propels it at light speed to all corners of the planet.

During the build-out the US triple-threat missile defense system, the Asian Flu was born in China. The death toll ultimately reached 4 million worldwide. Scientists associated this flu with the H2N2 virus, which was thought to be avian-related.

So, which is it? Is the flu caused by long dormant viruses, which are suddenly triggered by electrical disruptions in the atmosphere? Or, as it is generally believed, is the flu transmitted by viruses mainly found in birds, or poultry that somehow find their way into the human population? Actually, both theories may be correct.

Immune System weakened from Wireless Radiation

In 2013, a Washington State University professor, Dr. Martin Pall published a landmark paper, “Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects.” This paper shows how electrical changes to ion channels can lead to biological chaos in the body, including the proliferation of free-radicals and excess calcium ions. Excess calcium ions (electrically charged elements) can be toxic. Typical symptoms include nausea, fatigue, muscle pain and fuzzy thinking. Sound a little like the flu? Meanwhile the proliferation of free-radicals creates inflammation, neurological impacts, and a compromised immune system.

If both Pall and Firstenberg are right, the rapid spread of the flu is much more than just the exposure to the underlying virus. While the virus is real, it may be both triggered and accelerated by changes in the electrical environment. Such changes undermine our immune response to these viruses and we are unable to fight them off.

The 5G Connection

This brings us to 5G. For those who are unfamiliar with 5G, it is the fifth generation of wireless and cellular technologies. It uniquely uses intense clusters of wireless transmitters, which produce extremely high frequency signals and raise radiation exposures to humans exponentially. The frequency levels of this new technology can be many, many times higher than current wireless standards. Noted physicist Maxwell Planck showed that the level of energy in an electrical source is proportional to its frequency. Thus, 5G stands to impose significantly higher biological effects on humans than any previous technology.

Now, is it any coincidence that Wuhan, China, a leading “Smart City”, and one of the earliest adopters of 5G transmitters, is the very source of Covid-19 – the Coronavirus?

Well, if you are still doubting the connection between 5G and the Coronavirus, check out this overlay map* which locates major 5G installations in China and the major outbreaks of the Corona virus there.

Maybe Firstenberg’s claim of a connection between influenza and wireless technology is not so far-fetched after all.

The red and blue circles below represent 5G installations in China and North Korea. The light pink shows the regions marking the spread of Coronavirus. The map was created by an independent researcher overlaying a map of the 5G rollout in China with a map of the Covid-19 outbreak, both downloaded as of 2/26/20. Understand, this is a crude gauge using what information was publicly available on that date, and it is presented here only as a means to suggest that further serious research correlating Covid-19 incidence with locations of the 5G infrastructure should be undertaken. If greater incidence of the Coronavirus is occurring in locations where 5G technologies have been deployed, this will be of critical public health importance.

See recent write up on 5G risks, including mention of the Covid-19 by Dr. Martin Pall here.

Professor Emeritus Martin Pall, February 25, 2020: Massive Predicted Effects of 5G in the Context of Safety Guideline Failures: Very High Level VGCC Sensitivity to Low Intensity EMFs and Especially to Pulsations

David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868


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